Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Meeting Minutes - June 12, 2012

Glenridge Elementary PTSA
June 12, 2012
Glenridge Library

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
Heather Reich led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendees were Carmelita Janea, Lauren Paz, Heather Reich, Scott Abernathy, Lily Satchell, Ann Reed, and Beth Hillberry.  Quorum was not met for voting purposes.
The minutes from the May PTSA meeting were reviewed. Heather motioned and Ann seconded to accept the minutes.

Principle’s Report:
•  We are ending the year with 495 students.
•  The projection for next year is 457 students.  Scott challenged the projection with the district but lost the challenge.  The staff is great about the flexing schedule due to the drop in students.   The district will adjust the numbers once school starts.
•  We weren’t anticipating more funding, but we have received more money from the LAP.  This was due to more factors.  We will have ½ instructional and family advocate.  We won’t lose a teacher.
•  A huge thanks from weeding to the clean up in the January storms, the Fall festival, Santa Breakfast, Drama, field trips and the library.

President Report:
•  We had the cookie dough pickup today. A lot of 6th grade camps were paid for from the sales.
•  We have 60 members.
•  We are currently selling yearbooks.  Prepayments are due by Friday, 6/15/12.
•  We are handing them out Monday-Wednesday in the morning before school.  The yearbooks are being delivered to the school office on Friday.
•  Switch Day for 6th graders is Monday.  They will have time to sign yearbooks.

Treasurer Report:
•  The deposit for Drama was 913.07,which included DVD/CD orders and concessions earnings.  There was $997.72 in Drama expenses.
•  $109 in Jamba Juice is in the Misc 2 line along with the sales from the cookie dough.  The expense from the cookie dough will hit in June.
•  We paid the membership fee of $27.75, $82.56 reimbursement to Heather for Staff Appreciation Dinner, $200 in Self-Esteem.  $156.41 expensed for A/R prizes, $50 for assembly speakers’ gift cards.
•  The $24 NSF was for a deposit that was returned.
•  $100 was paid for the Track party.
•  Our ending balance is $8,018.18.

Kami Swett will be the Volleyball coach and the Track coach.

•  The budget is the same as last year.
•  Carmelita will add separate lines for Young Author with $1000 and Multi-Cultural Night with $500.
•  Family Advocate’s budget of $300 has been included per Vicky Wilson’s email request. This is used for getting kids’ supplies.
•  The Art Docent’s budget has been increased to $300 and the Accelerated Reader program’s budget has been increased to $3,500.00.
•  Heather motioned to accept the budget with the increases noted above.  Scott seconded the motion.

Old Business:
•  Carmelita said there was not a lot for the PTSA newsletters.  Should we have them online only?  The group agreed to have it online with an option to have hard copies for students.
•  Ann said on behalf of the teachers, thank you for the surprises left in their boxes during Staff/Teacher Appreciation week.
•  Heather said that there would be pizza for the teachers on the last day of school.

New Business:
•  The Board positions for next year were discussed.
•  Heather agreed to be President again next year.  Lauren will be Vice President.  Christy is the Web Page coordinator and Art Docent.
•  Carmelita will be Treasurer and Beth will be Secretary. ***
•  Scott asked if all were in favor and everyone agreed.
•  Heather will enter the board to the PTSA.
•  Discussion of PTO was brought up.  Scott said that over the years, schools are experiencing difficulties.  We are approaching 60% of students who qualify for low income.  He fully supports whichever direction the board decides.  He doesn’t need to participate in Founder’s Day.
•  Carmelita suggested we meet in late July/early August.
•  Insurance will still need to be maintained. Premium price will increase.  We will have to re-file as a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization.  The current insurance lasts until Nov 1st.
•  Heather and Carmelita will get all the information needed.  The current $ would be granted to the school.
•  We could open a new account and get the membership for PTO fees for the account.

***Per emails dated 6/20-6/21/12 between board members, Scott Abernathy and Ann Reed, it was agreed that Carmelita would be Secretary and Beth would be Treasurer.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Hillberry – Secretary

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