- It takes an ensemble to make a show; everyone's part is important.
- Show respect to instructors, fellow cast mates, volunteers, school staff and yourself
- Be on time
- Be prepared - script, pencil, highlighter, water, snack
- Listen when others are speaking
- Raise your hand to speak
- Follow instructions
- Be quiet backstage.
- Stay out of sight. Remember if you can see the audience they can see you.
- No toys, cellphones or other distractions allowed
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Keep your words friendly
- Be brave, try new things
- Speak loudly and clearly
- Remain positive
- Encourage others and recognize their efforts
- Leave spaces clean and ready for classes the following day
- School rules need to be followed at all times
Students should arrive in comfortable clothes with a script, pencil, highlighter, and water bottle. There is time for a quick snack at the end of school before we begin. Transportation is not provided, please make arrangements for your student ahead of time.
Theatre Tips
- Remember say Thank You, to your director, your fellow cast and crew and do it often.
- Be specific! Make choices about your character's background and motivation.
- Make sure the audience can always see your face and hear your voice.
- To help memorize your lines, try writing them down or speaking them aloud to yourself in a mirror.
- Before each performance, wish everyone "break a leg" - theatre talk for "good luck"!
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