Saturday, September 1, 2012

What is a PTO?

Do you wonder why we're called a PTO now instead of a PTSA?

Well, a big part of that reason is because as a PTSA (or PTA) our school only received one quarter of your membership fee.  As a PTO 100% of your donation goes directly to programs at our school to benefit your kids.

It's nice too, that everyone can consider themselves members. Everyone's voices and ideas are welcome. And funding is left to your discretion. That means that yes, we still need donations, but you are welcome to give as much or as little as you feel is appropriate. Note that our suggested donation of $5 is considerably less than last year's membership fee of $12.

So, we hope that you will help us to continue offering important programs at Glenridge by coming to meetings, or sending us your ideas via email here at this site, and by donating some money which make our programs possible.

Thank You.

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