Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meeting Minutes - Sept. 11, 2012

Meeting Minutes
Date:  Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Location:  Glenridge Library 
Meeting Called to Order By: Heather Reich, PTO President
Attendance:  Heather Reich, Jessamine Songheng, Stacie Masterson, Tayla Parker, Beth  Hillberry, Joy Eastep, Suzanne Green, Christy Caravaglio, Julie Salazar, Arturo Salazor, Barbara Heins, Scott Abernathy, Ann Reed, and Carmelita Janea

Minutes:  Minutes of June 2012 meeting read and accepted

Officer’s Reports

President ‐ we are in the process of moving from PTSA to a PTO.   ƒ Moving to the PTO means that the money we raise stays with us.   ƒ The mandatory training under PTA was too much every year and that's just one of the reasons we want to move to a PTO.  PTO will try to offer the same benefits to the school as last year.   ƒ General population should not see a difference, but we won't have funds to spend until after we do some much needed fundraising

Vice President ‐ Fundraising ƒ Starting September with Sally Foster catalog orders;  40% of sales will go back to the school, delivery directly to homes for $3.95 flat fee/free if over $50; $150 or more sales gets 10 minutes in the Money Machine ƒ Entertainment books will follow in October as a passive fundraiser

Treasurer ‐ Treasurer’s reports read and accepted (or amended).

Principal ƒ Predicting 457 students compared to last year's 494 ƒ
New Hires:  Gina Campbell, Adam (Evening Custodian), Angela Costagna, Stacie Walsh, Julie Wood, Amanda Gerber, and Christie Hunting ƒ
Curriculum night is September 18th, visit with teachers 6:30‐8:30pm ƒ
New housing construction will open the 120th street a an open through street ƒ
57% of students qualify for free/reduced lunch; 4% of students are special education; 64% of students are other than white

Committee Reports ƒ

PTO Website ‐ be friends with Glenridge PTO on Facebook ƒ

Bookfair ‐ Jessamine Songheng has volunteered to take over as the chair ƒ

Fall Carnival ‐ planning meeting will be Thursday, 9/27 6:30‐8pm; reminder will be sent through Parent Express Email ƒ

Drama Club ‐ may be going to three days a week rehearsals, Drama Meeting Chairs will meet 9/25  Committee Reports (continued) ƒ

Box Tops ‐ Heather Reich will ask last year's chair if she wants to continue this year;   Suggestion to accept two box tops for one ticket to the Carnival. ƒ

Art Docent Program ‐ school does not have art teachers so they need volunteers once a month; they talk about painting and the artist, then lead a project for the class; Need a volunteer for Mrs. Watson's class; Green River community college offers training and suggestions for the project to teach the kids.  We need to find out how to pay the Art Docent;  program starts in October, goes by your individual schedule.  

New Business ƒ Class Self Esteem Reimbursements are now called Classroom Support Reimbursements ƒ
Teacher Wish Lists ‐ lists will be set up for all teachers who submit them and PTO will collect donations from Glenridge families ƒ

Suggestion that Classroom Parent be the communicator between the classroom and PTO rep

Announcements ƒ October 26 is Movie Night from 6‐8; concessions will be sold ƒ

Next meeting is Tuesday, October 9th 7pm at the Glenridge Library; voters needed to officially dissolve the PTSA

Meeting Adjourned At: 8:10 pm

Minutes Complied By: Carmelita Janea, Secretary

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