Glenridge Green Team volunteers in grades 3-6 help with lunchroom
recycling, printer paper recycling, educational posters, energy
conservation, water conservation, pollution reduction, assemblies, juice
bags for cash, and gardening. Last year, King County Green School
Program awarded us a Level 1 Certificate! In April we planted an edge
section of the flagpole planter in a mix of perennial and annual edible
plants. This year we hope to add a new section of plants in a planter in
the back courtyard. In an Earth Day Assembly last year we showed
examples of reused items, but this year we are making our own fun
upcycling projects, including paper beads, toys, and reusable sandwich
bags. Donations and volunteers are always welcome! Contact one of our
advisors, Lorena Long in the office or custodian, Lisa Garrett. 253-373-7494
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