Sunday, October 5, 2014



PTO Movie Night: Thursday October 9th at 6:30 - Come see Hotel Transylvania in the Glenridge lunchroom. Because there is no school on Friday our monthly movie will be held on Thursday, October 9th. This is a free event for students and their families.  Snacks will be available for purchase. This is NOT a drop off event, children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. 

Mrs. Fields Cookie Dough Fundraiser: ORDERS DUE THIS WEEK! Cookie dough orders must be returned to your child's teacher by Thursday, October 9th! No late orders can be accepted.

Glenridge Fall Carnival:  Friday October 17th. Come join us at our first community event of the year, the Fall Carnival. This is a great way to meet new people and raise money for the school.  There will be games and bouncy houses, as well as prizes for all the kids.  Flyers went home Friday, October 3rd. We are still in need of treats to be used as prizes (Mamba, Regular Tootsie Rolls, Twizzler Licorice, Laffy Taffy, Smarties. Wonka Candy are nut free and would make great contributions).

Box Tops and Labels for Education Submission Deadline: Friday October 17thPlease turn in your Labels and Box Tops before or by this date. Don’t forget to include your child’s name/teacher name. We will then determine which classroom had the most participants and which classroom collected the most box tops/labels. 

Save the date for these future events….

PTO Meeting: Tuesday, October 14th at 7pm, free childcare.

Jamba Juice Smoothie Sales: Tuesday, October 14th during afternoon recess, remember to send $2 with your child to school!

Glenridge BookFair:  October 20th 23rd.

Community Sponsors: Thank you to Ivar's, Kent Teaching and Toys and Mama Stortini’s Italian Restaurant for supplying gift certificates and items for our raffle.

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