Sunday, April 10, 2016

PTO Weekly Update 04-10-16

PTO Movie Night

Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.
Come see this month's selection on PTO Movie Night, Friday, April 15, 2016 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. This is a free event for students and their families. Concessions will be available for purchase; funds raised will support school programs. This is not a drop off event; children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Volunteer at Glenridge

• We need a volunteer to help with laminating! Any day of the week any amount of time, training is available.
• We are in need of several art docents:
• Whalen • Firman • Hogland • Schwendemen
One day a month, lessons, supplies and training provided.

SIT Meeting

The School Improvement Team meeting is April 12, 2016 from 4:00pm - 5:30pm in the Glenridge Library. As part of a collaboration of staff, parents and community members you will help establish plans for improvement and change, hear about opportunities to get involved and make an impact in your child's education.

PTO Meeting

Join us for the next Parent Teacher Organization meeting, April 12, 2016 from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Glenridge Library. Free childcare is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Have ideas you want to share?  This is the place to do it! Can't be there? Contact us by email.

Extended Family Club Meeting

Join us in the Glenridge library.
April 13th 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Belong to the Glenridge Community
  • Find resources and support
  • Help build diversity 
  • Be a role model
  • Be a part of the students day

Special Election

April 26, 2016

Learn about Proposition No. 1 and how it will affect Glenridge and you, go to the voting booth informed.


2016 Capital Improvement & School Construction Bond

Still have questions? Come and learn more at the next PTO meeting April 12th at 7:00 pm.

Ceramic Art Event

April 20 - 22 bring your family to Glazed Art, help Glenridge and take home your own masterpiece!

STEM Night

Plan now to attend STEM Night April 21st 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.

Jamba Juice 

Tuesday, April 26th, Jamba Juice will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send $2 to school. Exact change will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their treat. Money raised supports Glenridge programs.

Disney Day

Friday, April 29th come to school dressed like your favorite Disney character!

Popcorn Friday

Friday, May 6th, popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send 50¢ to school. Please send the exact change, it will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their popcorn. Money raised will support Glenridge programs.

Voyager Pride Day

Friday, May 6th is a spirit wear day! Wear your Glenridge t-shirt or our school colors (navy blueforest green and maroon) and show your Voyager pride! Join us for school pride days the first Friday of every month!

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