Sunday, November 12, 2017

PTO Update 11-12-17

Big Kahuna Fundraiser

Delivery day is Friday, November 17th 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm in the commons area (left of the office) of Glenridge. All orders must be picked up during that time, please make arrangements now.

If your student sold 15 items or more and is going on the limo lunch their permission slips need to be returned to school by Tuesday, November 14th.

SIT Meeting

Meet in the library for the School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm 
As part of a collaboration of staff, parents and community members you will help establish plans for improvement and change, hear about opportunities to get involved and make an impact on your child's education.

PTO Meeting

Join us in the library for the next Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
Free childcare for school-age children is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians.
Can't be there? Watch us live on Facebook.

Box Top Contest

The student that returns the most Box Tops to Glenridge between now and Wednesday, January 3, 2018, will win a family pack of tickets to the Reptile Man (4 tickets and 1 picture valued at $9) when he visits Glenridge on Thursday, January 4, 2018!
The class that returns the most Box Tops and the class with the most participants will also get a treat!
Box Tops can be returned at any time, each one is logged by student and teacher and added to their total.
Have you tried the Bonus Box Tops app? Download it to your smartphone and take pictures of your receipts to earn even more for Glenridge. 

Holiday Breakfast Donations

Help us offset the cost of the Holiday Breakfast (December 2, 2017) the PTO provides the main dish, but you can help make it even more delicious.
We've set a goal of $150 to cover the cost of side dishes (like sausage and fruit) Drop off your donation at the office in an envelope marked Holiday Breakfast, or donate online here

Watch for other ways you can help at the Holiday Breakfast coming soon!

Lost & Found

Don't spend Thanksgiving without your coat! The Lost & Found is getting very full, drop by after you pick up your fundraiser items and see if anything belongs to your family!  Watch our Facebook page on Mondays to see the what has been collected.
• November 14 @ 4:10 pm ~ SIT Meeting
• November 14 @ 7:00 pm ~ PTO Meeting
• November 15 @ 8:40 am ~ Student Council Meeting Room 204
• November 15 ~ Picture Retake Day
• November 16 ~ National Parent Involvement Day
• November 17 ~ Fundraiser Limo Lunch
• November 17 @ 8:10 am ~ Voyager Choir Practice
• November 17 @ 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm ~ Fundraiser Order Deliveries
• November 17 @ 6:30 pm ~ PTO Family Movie Night - Cars 3
• November 21 ~ Jamba Juice Tuesday $2
• November 22 ~ Regular School Hours - 9:15 am - 3:55 pm
• November 23 ~ 24 ~ No School - 
• November 28 @ 4:05 pm ~ Drama Workshop
• November 29 @ 5:00 pm  - 9:00 pm - Glenridge Eats Out at Red Robin
• December 1 ~ Popcorn Friday 50¢
• December 1 @ 8:10 am ~ Voyager Choir Practice
• December 2 @ 9:00 am ~ 11:00 am - Holiday Breakfast
• December 8 @ 8:10 am ~ Voyager Choir Practice

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