Friday, September 14, 2018

PTO Update 9/3/18

Welcome to Glenridge Elementary! We hope the transition to school after the summer break will be an easy one and that you are ready to help us make this year successful and enjoyable! 
  • Please take the time to read all of the papers that are being sent home from the school and return any forms required as soon as possible. 
  • School supply lists are available on the school website
The Glenridge PTO sponsors many activities for students such as school assemblies, field trips, events, movie nights, reading programs, the book fair, and numerous other events throughout the school year. We cannot be successful in any of our endeavors without your support. There are many different ways to do this: you can chair a committee, join a committee, work an event, or help with projects at school or home. You just need to choose what works for you. We all have hectic schedules, and unfortunately, “free” time is not often easy to come by; but, if we all work together, and do what works for each of us individually, it will balance out. What the students gain from all of us working together is priceless. Please send us an email if you can volunteer your time to assist us in any way. 

Apply to Volunteer at Glenridge

Are you going to volunteer this year? If you want to help out in the classroom, on a field trip or around the school you need to apply online to be a part of Kent School District VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools!
Once your application has been processed and you are approved (typically in 2 weeks time) you will be able to assist in school learning, activities, competitions, or events at Glenridge. Be a part of a team that is successfully preparing all students for their futures.
Volunteers can make a difference in the lives of students every day by engaging families and community members in successfully preparing all students for their futures.

Be an Art Docent

In cooperation with The Interurban Center for the Arts (sponsored by the Green River Community College Foundation), Glenridge PTO volunteers provide monthly art lessons to all of our students. The Art Docent program at Glenridge gives our students an opportunity to learn about different artists and works of art from different cultures. We have a wonderful set of art to share this year; volunteer to help with this amazing program! Training classes start in September, contact us today!

Books Due

Did your student check out a book(s) from the Glenridge Library this summer? It's time to return them. Students who have books checked out that are not returned will not be able to check out books during their Library time. Contact the Glenridge library with any questions.

SIT Meeting

Join us at the first School Improvement Team meeting this year:
September 11, 2018
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm
Glenridge Library
Be part of a collaboration between staff and parents, where you will help establish plans for improvement and change. 

PTO Meeting

The first Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting:
September 11, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Glenridge Library
Free childcare for school-age children

Please join us, the PTO is for all parents & guardians.
Can't be there? Look for our live feed on Facebook.

Parking Lot Safety

We want to keep everyone safe Please remember to:
  • Look for students and families walking to/from their cars to the building. Please drive slowly.
  • Always use crosswalks and watch for people in them.
  • Pick-up/drop-off students in the designated parent pick-up/drop-off lane located near the flagpole. Please pull completely forward and stay in the right-hand lane.
  • If you park your car (before or after school), please walk with your child to or from the building.
  • Please follow the flow of traffic. Cutting through the parking lot can put our families at risk as they may be walking to/from their cars.

Box Tops Week

To celebrate the second National Box Tops for Education Week, September 17 – September 23, we’re holding an awareness campaign to jump-start our school’s earnings for the year. And we need your help! Our goal is to collect every single Box Top in the area.
Check out a full list of participating Box Tops products at, and start stocking up on Box Tops. Learn more about National Box Tops for Education Week at: nationalboxtopsweek.
Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
Thank you for your support!

Popcorn Friday

Friday, September 14th, popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess.
Remember to send 50¢ to school. Exact change will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their popcorn. Money raised will support Glenridge PTO programs.
We'd love to have your help. Contact the PTO for more information.
September 3
    • No School ~ Labor Day
September 5
    • 9:15 am ~ First Day of School for Kindergarteners 
    • 9:15 am ~ 6th Grade Camp Leaves
September 6
    • 6th Grade Camp
September 7
    • 1:30 pm ~ 6th Grade Camp Returns
September 11
    • 4:10 pm - 5:10 pm ~ SIT Meeting
    • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ~ PTO Meeting
September 14
    • Popcorn Friday 50¢
September 17 - September 23
    • National Box Tops Week
September 18
    • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ~ Curriculum Night
September 25
    • School Picture Day
September 28
    • 6:30 pm ~ PTO Movie Night

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