Welcome to Glenridge Elementary! We hope the transition to school after the summer break will be an easy one and that you are ready to help us make this year successful and enjoyable!
- Please take the time to read all of the papers that are being sent home from the school and return any forms required as soon as possible.
- School supply lists are available on the school website.
The Glenridge PTO sponsors many activities for students such as school assemblies, field trips, events, movie nights, reading programs, the book fair, and numerous other events throughout the school year. We cannot be successful in any of our endeavors without your support. There are many different ways to do this: you can chair a committee, join a committee, work an event, or help with projects at school or home. You just need to choose what works for you. We all have hectic schedules, and unfortunately, “free” time is not often easy to come by; but, if we all work together, and do what works for each of us individually, it will balance out. What the students gain from all of us working together is priceless. Please send us an email if you can volunteer your time to assist us in any way.
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