Thank You
Thank you to everyone that attended the first PTO meeting of the school year! It was great seeing so many new faces! It is through your dedication and support that the PTO is able to do so many wonderful things throughout the year! Mark your calendars for the next meeting: Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 7:00pm.
Picture Day
School picture day for Glenridge Elementary is
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Hellriegel's Foto 1 Portrait Studio will be taking individual portraits of all students. To purchase your students picture please fill out the envelope packet that was sent home with Friday Flyers on September 16th and return it to school on the 20th. Please remember to pick a background color, if no choice is made the background will be blue. Each student needs an order envelope with payment do not combine them. Please send the exact amount, the school does not have change.
Younger siblings are welcome to come in for photos on picture day as well, please call the school office to find out the best time. Hellriegel wants you to be happy with your picture and has scheduled a retake day for those students and students who are not in attendance on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Class and group pictures will be taken in March.
Late Start
The first late arrival date for the 2016-2017 school year is September 21, 2016. Glenridge will begin 1 hour and45 minutes later than the normal start time at 11:15. Buses will also pick up students 1 hour and 45 minutes laterthan the regularly scheduled pickup time.
Apply to Volunteer at Glenridge
Are you going to volunteer this year? If you want to help out in the classroom, on a field trip or around the school (even after hours), you need to apply online to be a part of Kent School District VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools.
Once your application has been approved you will be able to assist in school learning, activities, and events at Glenridge. Be a part of a team that is successfully preparing all students for their futures.
Jamba Juice Tuesday Canceled
Please look for the next Jamba day in October. The first Jamba Juice Tuesday of the school year is during afternoon recess on September 27, 2016.
Remember to send $2 with your kids to school!
Proceeds support Glenridge PTO programs, like field trip transportation, Raz Kids, and Accelerated Reader.
The Glenridge Health Room is in need of pants in sizes 5-10 for both boys and girls. Please send in gently used or new pants to the office.
Art Docents are needed! Can you help?
These classes are currently without an art docent:
• Kindergarten: Ms. Farris, Ms. Kling • Second Grade: Ms. Peterson, Ms. Steichen, Ms. Thomas • Third Grade: Ms. DeGroot, Ms. Foss, Ms. Little, Ms. Rahn • Fourth Grade: Ms. Smith, Ms. Watson • Fifth Grade: Ms. Gronenthal, Ms. Kuske, Ms. Schwendeman • Sixth Grade: Ms. Firman
Box Tops Contest
Are you clipping? Between now and October 24th, bring in your Box Tops in a bag/envelope marked with your student's name and their teacher. The class with the most participants and the class that collects the most will win prizes! Each label is worth 10¢! Send in your labels today!
Congratulations to our Summer Box Tops Winners!
• Kyle E. • Cindy F. • Carter J. • Kieran R. • Marisol S. •
PTO Big Kahuna Fall Fundraiser
The fall fundraiser is kicking off September 22nd! Big Kahuna Fundraising will be providing fundraising packets that students will be bringing home in Friday Flyers September 23rd. Please take a moment to look the information over and see how you can help. We need your help in raising money for field trip transportation, classroom support, the art docent program and many PTO events. Every student will benefit from this fundraiser, your participation is greatly appreciated.
- October 6 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
- October 7 - Popcorn Friday 50¢
- October 10 - PTO Big Kahuna Fundraiser Ends
- October 11 - 4:00pm SIT Meeting
- October 11 - 7:00pm PTO Meeting
- October 12 - 11:15am Late Start
- October 13 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
- October 14 - No School - Teacher Work Day
- October 18 - Jamba Juice Tuesday $2
- October 20 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
- October 21 - PTO Fall Carnival
Plan ahead! See our calendar.
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