Sunday, October 30, 2016

Remember to Vote! PTO Update 10-30-16

Thank You!

• Thank you to everyone who donated candy and baked treats. Thank you to everyone that helped; all the staff, the parents, the grandparents, the siblings, the cousins, the students, and all the friends. Thank you to the families, students and friends that came out and had fun. Because of all of you, our 2016 Fall Carnival was a great success!
• A big THANK YOU to all the families who contributed to the staff dinner on Monday! After a day full of classes and goal setting conferences, it was nice to know we could give them one less thing to do.

Picture Retake Day

All students who enrolled after picture day or were absent on picture day will be photographed on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Families may return picture orders to request retakes. A new order form and payment is due at the beginning of school Tuesday for new orders. Orders are optional. Make checks out to Foto 1 or send exact cash, the school does not carry change.

SIT Meeting

The School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting is Tuesday, November 8, 2016, from 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm in the Glenridge Library. As part of a collaboration of staff, parents and community members you will help establish plans for improvement and change, hear about opportunities to get involved and make an impact in your child's education.

PTO Meeting

Join us for the next Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting on TuesdayNovember 8, 2016, from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Glenridge Library. Free childcare for school age children is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Have ideas you want to share?  This is the place to do it! Can't be there? Contact us by email.

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Remember to turn your clocks back one hour November 6th so you are on time for school on November 7th!

KSD Bond

How will the $252 million be spent if the KSD Bond‬ is passed on November 8th? The money will fund projects to reduce overcrowding, improve student safety, increased energy efficiency, remodel and upgrade schools, and replace roofs and flooring.
Learn about Proposition No. 1 and how it will affect Glenridge and you, go to the voting booth informed.

2016 Capital Improvement & School Construction Bond 

Help get the word out, come to the Glenridge sign waving!


Fundraiser Delivery

We need volunteers on Wednesday, November 9th to help with the delivery of fundraiser items.
• Help set up at 1:30
• Help pass out items between 3:00-5:30
Please contact the PTO if you can help.

*** Items must be picked up November 9th, please make plans now. ***

Carnival Pictures

Did you have your picture taken at the Fall Carnival - they are ready to be downloaded!

Go find yours here:
Use the password on the card you were given after you had your picture taken.

Did you get some pictures of your kids having fun? Send them to the yearbook staff

Box Tops

Keep clipping Box Tops! A new contest is coming soon!

Help at Glenridge!

Apply online: VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools. Once approved you can help on field trips, in the classroom and at afterschool activities!
  • November 2 - Kent Bond Sign Waving AM PM
  • November 3 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • November 4 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
  • November 6 - Daylight Savings Ends - Clocks Fall Back
  • November 8 - Last Day to Vote
  • November 8 - 4:00pm SIT Meeting
  • November 8 - 7:00pm PTO Meeting
  • November 9 - Fundraiser Pick Up
  • November 10 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • November 11 - No School - Veterans Day
  • November 17 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • November 17 - National Parent Involvment Day
  • November 18 - Popcorn Friday 50¢
  • November 18 - 6:30pm PTO Family Movie Night - Zootopia
  • November 18 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm Value Village Donation Drive
  • November 19 - 9:00am - 11:30am Value Village Donation Drive
  • November 22 - Jamba Juice Tuesday $2.00
  • November 24 - November 25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 30 - 11:15 Late Start Day
  • December 1 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • December 2 - Popcorn Friday 50¢

Know what is happening see the PTO calendar here!

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