Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Fall Carnival is Friday - PTO Update 10-16-16

Glenridge PTO Fall Carnival

Ticket Presales are due Monday, October 17, 2016, make sure to send inorders tomorrow!
The Glenridge Fall Carnival will take place Friday, October 21, 2016.  We will need many volunteers to help run this event.  If you would like to help please contact the PTO for jobs that are available.
Treats are also needed:
  • Cakes, cookies or brownies to be used as cake walk prizes (store bought or homemade is wonderful) can be dropped off at the office October 20th and October 21st
  • Candy to give out as game prizes (Mamba, Regular Tootsie Rolls, Twizzler Licorice, Laffy Taffy, Smarties and Wonka Candy are nut free and would make great contributions) can be left at the office now through October 21st.

Goal Setting Conferences 

Goal Setting Conferences will take place all week, October 24-28, 2016. Please check the date and time for your student’s conference. Students will be released from school at 12:38 p.m. all week. Teachers have been busy assessing students, reviewing student data, and setting goals for each student in reading, writing, and math. With those goals in mind, teachers are also teaching students to set similar goals and will be sharing those plans with parents at conferences. We believe this process will be more meaningful to both you and the students. Setting goals for learning is a natural part of our teaching and learning process and student learning becomes even more meaningful when children and parents are given the opportunity for participation. Teaching students to set goals is also a component of our state learning standards and instructional models. It is also an excellent opportunity to learn the self-evaluation process. Helping our students to understand and achieve their learning goals is one important step in successfully preparing all students for their future. 

Spirit Wear Orders
Order your $11 Voyager shirt!

See all colors, sizes, styles and additional products available online:
Spirit shirts are great for Voyager Pride Days, field trips and any day you want to show the world you are proud to be a Voyager!
Orders must be placed by October 21st!
All profits will go to support Glenridge PTO programs.

Apply to Volunteer at Glenridge

Are you going to volunteer this year? If you want to help out in the classroom, on a field trip or around the school (even after hours), you need to apply online to be a part of Kent School District VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools.
Once your application has been approved you will be able to assist in school learning, activities, and events at Glenridge. Be a part of a team that is successfully preparing all students for their futures.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers on Wednesday, November 9th, for the fundraiser delivery. If you can help please contact the PTO.
• Help set up at 1:30 • Pass out items 3:00 - 5:00 •

Hearing and Vision Screening Day

October 18th is Hearing and Visions Screening Day for grades 1,2,3 and 5. If your child wears glasses please make sure they have them at school on the 18th.

Jamba Juice Tuesday

The first Jamba Juice Tuesday of the school year is during afternoon recess on October 18, 2016.
Remember to send $2 with your kids to school!
Proceeds support Glenridge PTO programs, like field trip transportation.

Box Tops Contest

Are you clipping? This year our goal is $1000 in Box Tops, we can reach it if each student brings in 22 labels. Between now and October 24th, bring in your Box Tops in a bag/envelope marked with your student's name and their teacher. The class with the most participants and the class that collects the most will win prizes! Each label is worth 10¢! Send in your labels today!

Help Glenridge Everyday

Link Your Fred Meyer Card to Glenridge

Fred Meyer is requesting that all households supporting Glenridge PTO through their Community Rewards program re-link their Rewards cards to our organization. Each year Glenridge families donate over $400 just by shopping at Fred Meyer and using their Rewards Card. Relink and continue to help or sign up and start helping Glenridge PTO today. Find out how to relink or link your card for the first time here.

Use the Shoparoo App

Are you taking pictures of your shopping receipts? A school with 50 active participants can raise $1,000 each year through Shoparoo! Download the app, link it to the Glenridge PTO and start taking pictures!

Use Amazon Smile When You Shop 

Use Amazon Smile when you shop at Amazon, make sure Glenridge is selected and qualifying purchases will help our school. 
  • November 1 - Picture Retake Day
  • November 3 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • November 4 - No School - Teacher Work Day
  • November 6 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
  • November 8 - Election Day - Remember to Vote!
  • November 9 - Fundraiser Items at Glenridge for Pickup
  • November 10 - 6:00pm PASA Meeting
  • November 11 - No School - Veteran's Day
* The Scholastic Book Fair had to be rescheduled for December 10th.

Dance Clinic

at Kentridge

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