Sunday, January 29, 2017

PTO Update 1-29-17

A big THANK YOU to the Kent Ivar's for hosting Glenridge Teacher Night, Beth Hillberry for organizing the event, and another big THANK YOU to the staff who put in extra time and all the families that came out and had a great dinner. It was wonderful to see everyone supporting our students!

Popcorn Friday

Friday, February 3rd popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send 50¢ to school. Sending the exact change will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their popcorn. Money raised will support Glenridge programs.

Drama Rehearsals

Drama Rehearsals on February 2nd, 7th, and 9th at 3:50 - 5:30 are for the full cast. Please make sure students bring their script, a pencil, water, and have a ride home. All absences should be reported by email as soon as they come up so adjustments can be made.

SIT Meeting

The School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting is February 7th, from 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm in the Glenridge Library. Be a part of a collaboration of staff, parents and community members, help establish plans for improvement and change, get involved and make an impact in your child's education.


PTO Meeting

Join us for the next Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting, February 7th from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Glenridge Library. Free childcare for school age children is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. 

Scholastic Book Fair

Through the book fair Glenridge earns scholastic dollars that pay for new books in our library, important subscriptions and reading programs for our students, and gives families access to reasonably priced books.
Right now we are in need of volunteers for a new coordinator and all book fair shifts, if they can't be filled changes will have to be made which will result in the loss of books and programs at Glenridge.  Help us keep reading strong at Glenridge!
Any amount of time would be helpful. To help contact the PTO or Sue Crissey in the Glenridge Library at 253-373-2488.

Book Fair Coordinator Needed

Please consider becoming our Book Fair Coordinator. Our current coordinator has put in a remarkable 10 years and it's time for her to pass on the job, taking on this position now will give you a chance to learn from a seasoned veteran. Book Fair Coordinator is a fun way to work and meet with students, teachers, and parents. Do you love books? Do you want to make sure all our students have access to them? This may be the volunteer job for you!

Spring Book Fair Volunteers

Can you help at the Book Fair? We need volunteers:
Help set up:
  • February 10th at 12:00
Help supervise shoppers and to run the cash register.
  • February 13th and  14th 9:00 - 7:30
  • February 15th and 16th 9:00 - 3:00.

Disney Day

It's a School Council Spirit Day! Come to school dressed as or in support of your favorite Disney character on February 10th! Don't have a costume or a shirt, try Disney Bounding and use your closet as inspiration!
School appropriate clothing only, no masks, weapons, toys, spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, etc.
  • January 31 - No School - Teacher Workshop
  • February 2 - 3:50 pm - 5:30 pm Drama Rehearsals - Full Cast
  • February 3 - Popcorn Friday 50¢
  • February 7 - 3:50 pm - 5:30 pm Drama Rehearsals - Full Cast
  • February 7 - 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm SIT Meeting
  • February 7 - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm PTO Meeting 
  • February 8 - 11:15 am Late Start Day
  • February 9 - 3:50 pm - 5:30 pm Drama Rehearsals - Full Cast
  • February 10 - Student Council Spirit Day - Disney Day 
  • February 10  - 12:00 pm Book Fair Set Up - Volunteers needed
  • February 10 - 6:30 - 8:30 Glenridge PTO Ice Skating Night
  • February 13 - February 17 - 12:38 Early Dismissal
  • February 13 - February 17 - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • February 13 - February 14 - 9:00 am - 7:30 pm Scholastic Book Fair 
  • February 15 - February 16 - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Scholastic Book Fair
  • February 14 - February 17  - 9:00 am - 9:25 am Student Council Fundraiser
  • February 13 - February 17 - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • February 13 - February 17 - 12:38 pm Early Dismissal 
  • February 20 - February 24 - No School - Presidents' Break
  • February 28 - Jamba Juice $2
  • February 28 - 3:50 pm - 5:30 pm Drama Rehearsals 

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