Sunday, February 11, 2018

PTO Update 2/11/18

Thank You! 

A big THANK YOU to the Sno-King Ice Arena for hosting Glenridge Family Ice Skating Night, Lisa Rohlfing and Julie Salazar for organizing the event, and another big THANK YOU to all the staff and families that came out. It was wonderful to see everyone having fun and supporting our students!

Spring Book Fair

Through the book fair Glenridge earns scholastic dollars that pay for new books in our library, important subscriptions and reading programs for our students, and gives families access to reasonably priced books.

Book Fair Hours

Monday & Tuesday 8:45 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday 8:45 am - 3:30 pm
Thursday 8:45 am - 1:30 pm
We are in need of volunteers for all book fair shifts if they can't be filled changes will have to be made to the schedule which will result in the loss of books and programs at Glenridge. Help us keep reading strong at Glenridge!
All volunteers receive a $5 Scholastic voucher to spend at the book fair. To help contact the PTO or find available slots and sign up here.

Student Council Valentine Fundraiser

The student council is selling fun non-food Valentine gifts before school Tuesday, February 13th through Friday, February 16th. Items are priced from 25¢ to $2 each. Watch Facebookfor photos of the items up for sale.

Choir T-Shirts

Did you miss order your choir t-shirt? The shop is open again until Tuesday, February 13th!  Order yours now! 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will take place all week, February 12 - 16, 2018. Please check the date and time for your student’s conference and make plans to be there now. Students will be released from school at 12:55 pm all week.
Kids do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. Attending parent-teacher conferences is a way to be involved and help your child succeed.

February Staff Dinner

The PTO has planned our next staff dinner for tomorrow, Monday, February 12th. Everyone works so hard during conference week, this gives them one less thing to worry about. If you signed up to contribute please make sure you drop off your dish by 4:00 pm, If you would like to help, you can sign up here.

KSD Levy

In the February 13, 2018 special election, the Kent School District community will be asked to vote on two levies supporting education, programs, operations, technology, and capital improvements in our schools while decreasing local school tax rates. Learn how both KSD Levy propositions are essential to successfully prepare our students for their futures at

Student Council Spirit Day

Come to school dressed in your favorite PJ's with your best bed head!

Box Tops Contest

It's time to check your pantry, it's time to check your freezer, and it's time to ask your family, coworkers, and neighbors for their Box Tops. The class that collects the most Box Tops before February 26, 2018, will win popcorn on March 16th! Put your Box Tops in a bag or an envelope marked with your first and last name and the name of your teacher and return it to school before Monday, February 26th!
• February 12-16 @ 12:55 ~ School Dismissed Early
• February 12-16 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences
• February 12-15 ~ Scholastic Book Fair
        Monday & Tuesday 8:45 am - 7:00 pm
        Wednesday 8:45 am - 3:30 pm
        Thursday 8:45 am - 1:30 pm
• February 13 ~ Remember to VOTE, Ballots Due
• February 13-16 @ 8:45 am - 9:10 am ~ Student Council Valentine Fundraiser
• February 16 @ 8:10 am ~ Voyager Choir Practice
• February 16 ~ Spirit Day - Pajama & Crazy Hair Day

• February 19-23 ~ President's Break - No School
• February 21 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm ~ Panera Bread Spirit Night

• February 26 - Box Tops are Due
• February 27 4:05 pm - 5:30 pm ~ Drama Rehearsal
• February 28 @ 2:05 pm - 4:00 pm ~ Drama Rehearsal
• March 1 @ 4:00 pm ~ Robotics Club
• March 1 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm ~ Reading and Art Night
• March 2 Class and Group Photo Day
• March 2 @ 8:10 am ~ Voyager Choir Practice
• March 2 @ 4:00 pm ~ STEM Club
• March 3 ~ Track Team Registration Deadline
• March 5 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ~ Voyager Choir @ Kentridge Choir Bash
• March 6 4:05 pm - 5:30 pm ~ Drama Rehearsal
• March 6 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ~ 6th Grade Orchestra @ Kentridge
• March 7 @ 2:05 pm - 4:00 pm ~ Drama Rehearsal
• March 8 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ~ Robotic Club
• March 8 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm ~ PTO Family Dance
• March 9 ~ No School
• March 10 @ ~ Kent Kids Art Day

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