Sunday, October 25, 2015

It's Carnival Time! PTO Weekly Update 10-25-15

You Made It Happen!

• Thank you to everyone that helped make the Staff Conference Dinner a huge success last week. From setup to clean up, all the food and everything in between, we couldn’t have done it without you.
• Thank you to the Book Fair helpers, because of you so many kids have wonderful new books to read!
We have 11 days left in our fall Learn2Earn Reading Fundraiser!  Glenridge students are reading around the clock! If you have not sponsored your student of invited friends and family to sponsor your student now is the time!  Just click on the invite sponsor button at the top of your Learn2Earn profile page and enter email address of friends and family. If you want to invite friends on social media like Facebook and Twitter there's an option for that too.  Once you invite a sponsor an email explaining what we are raising funds for and how they can help will be sent out.  It's that easy!
Now through November 5th help the Glenridge PTO raise money with Learn2Earn to fund Accelerated Reader and Raz-Kids. Two reading programs that students and teachers use to help motivate our kids, help them reach their personal reading goals and meet Kent School District reading standards. Information on how to set up an account for your child came home on Friday, October 2nd. Please take time to read the information, help your child activate their account and send out sponsor invites.
A short video on account set up can be found here.
A short video on how to sponsor your child and how to invite others to sponsor your child can be found here.
See how great we are doing and follow our fundraising progress here.
If you have any questions please contact the PTO or support at Learn2Earn.

Jamba Juice Tuesday

Jamba Juice smoothie sales will happen during afternoon recess on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Remember to send $2 with your child to school!

Late Start Spirit Wear Day

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 school starts at 11:30. Wear your Glenridge t-shirt or school colors (navy blueforest green and maroon). Show your Voyager pride! 

Ticket Presales are due Monday, October 26, 2015, make sure to send in orders tomorrow!

The Glenridge Fall Carnival will take place Friday, October 30, 2015.  We will need many volunteers to help run this event.  If you would like to help please look at this list or contact the PTO for jobs that are available. Treats are also needed:
  • Cakes, cookies or brownies to be used as cake walk prizes (store bought or homemade is wonderful) 
  • Candy to give out as game prizes (Mamba, Regular Tootsie Rolls, Twizzler Licorice, Laffy Taffy, Smarties and Wonka Candy are nut free and would make great contributions)

Picture Retake Day

Missed picture day in September? Didn't like how your image turned out? Not to worry you have a second opportunity on November 10, 2015, contact the office for more information.

PTO Meeting

The next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, November 10, 2015  at 7:00 pm in the Glenridge library. Free childcare is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Can't attend the meeting? Still want to share your ideas? Please leave a note with the office or contact us by email.

PTO Movie Night

Come see this month's movie on PTO Movie Night, FridayNovember 13, 2015 at6:30 in the cafeteria. After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school.

Value Village Donation Drive

Start putting aside your outgrown and unwanted clothing! No purchases necessary, just save all those clothing items that you, your kids and other family members no longer need or want. November 14, 2015 you can drop off your donation and you will have more room, and feel more organized and Glenridge will earn money. 

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