Glenridge PTO Annual Holiday Breakfast
Bring your family and get in the Spirit of the Season! Saturday, December 5, 2015 9:00 am - 11:00 am in the Glenridge Cafeteria
• Enjoy a hot pancake breakfast.
• Have your picture taken in our photo booth.
• Listen to performances by Glenridge students.
• Activities for the kids.
• Let the kids shop for family and friends in a shop designed just for them. • Win prizes in our holiday raffle. Tickets sold for $3 each or 4 for $10 at the door. (Lots of things that would make great gifts; including tickets to the Disneyland Resort!)
We kindly ask that you donate $3 a person, or an amount you are comfortable with; proceeds will benefit Providence Regina House.
Holiday Breakfast Volunteers Needed
There are several spots open at our Holiday Breakfast that we could use some help filling. Are you free to give an hour or more the morning of December 5th? We are also looking for a face painter, if you or anyone you know would like to help please contact the PTO!

Late Start Spirit Wear Day
Wednesday, December 2 school starts at 11:30, no breakfast will be served, please don't arrive at school before 11:10 (Art Club participants should meet in the commons at 9:45 - preregistration is required). Wear your Glenridge t-shirt or our school colors (navy blue, forest green and maroon) and show your Voyager pride!
• If you placed a spirit shirt order watch for it to come home the week of December 7!
Learn2Earn Donations
This is the last week to fulfill the pledges/donations you made to students during our Learn2Earn Read-a-Thon Fundraiser. We are still waiting on approximately $400 to be submitted. Please remind friends and family that December 3rd is the last day to send in their donations. Donations may still be submitted by anyone with an invitation from a student and amounts can be adjusted both up and down. Please check your email for something from Learn2Earn to submit online or send in cash or check to the PTO as soon as possible. When everything is accounted for we can award prizes!
Popcorn Friday
Friday, December 4th, popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send 50¢ to school. Please send the exact change, it will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their popcorn. Money raised will support Glenridge programs.
Tie Your Shoes!
Untied shoes are dangerous when you are running around having fun! Teach your kids to tie their own shoelaces!
SIT Meeting
Join the School Improvement Team, Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 4:00 in the Glenridge library. Help establish plans for improvement and change, get involved in activities and events, Impact your child's education.
PTO Meeting
The next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Glenridge library. Free childcare is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Can't attend the meeting? Still want to share your ideas? Please leave a note with the office or contact us by email.
PTO Movie Night
When the evil spirit Pitch launches an assault on Earth, the Immortal Guardians team up to protect the innocence of children all around the world. Come see this month's selection on PTO Movie Night, Friday, December 11, 2015 at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
Plan ahead, see the Glenridge PTO calendar here.
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