Sunday, November 15, 2015

THANK YOU! - PTO Weekly Update 11-15-15


Thank you to each of you and the 
So many of you came out Saturday to Value Village and donated things you no longer needed! We collected 2,866 pounds or another $357.00 to go support Glenridge PTO programs like Accelerated Reader, drama and field trip transportation! Look for another Value Village event in the future!

Glenridge Food Drive

The Glenridge Student Council is holding their annual food drive. Help local families have enough to eat this winter. Please bring in items November 16th - November 19th
  • Must be non-perishable (canned, dried, not frozen)
  • Must be in original containers with original label
  • No glass jars
  • No home-canned foods
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet tissue
  • Facial tissue
  • Soaps/shampoo

Learn2Earn Fundraiser

A quick reminder to make sure you fulfill the pledges/donations you made to students during our Learn2Earn Read-a-Thon Fundraiser.  We are still waiting on approximately $700 to be submitted.  Make sure to remind friends and family too. When everything is accounted for we can award prizes!

Grandparents Organization

A community organization for seniors designed to support, students, parents, staff, teachers and each other.
Do you have some spare time and/or need support. Come share your skills and talents, come get help from others, help student excel in their education! Contact Dee Miller for more information.

Jamba Juice 

Tuesday, November 24th, Jamba Juice will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send $2 to school.  Exact change will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their treat. Money raised supports Glenridge programs.

Late Start and Spirit Wear Day

Late start Wednesdays (December 2January 13,February 3March 2April 20May 11 and June 1) wear your Glenridge t-shirt or school colors (navy blue, forest green and maroon red) and show your Voyager pride!

Popcorn Friday

Friday, December 4th, popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send 50¢ to school. Please send the exact change, it will help the process move faster and give students more time to enjoy their popcorn. Money raised will support Glenridge programs.

PTO Meeting

The next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, December 8, 2015  at 7:00 pm in the Glenridge library. Free childcare is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Can't attend the meeting? Still want to share your ideas? Please leave a note with the office or contact us by email.

PTO Movie Night

Come see this month's selection on PTO Movie Night, Friday, December 11, 2015 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. 

Plan ahead, see the Glenridge PTO calendar here.

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