Sunday, January 24, 2016

Join us for dinner? PTO Weekly Update 01-24-16

Teacher Night at Ivar's

Have a great dinner & help Glenridge!
Thursday, January 28th5:00-7:00 pm
25405 104th Ave SE
20% of all sales got the school!

Jamba Juice Tuesday

Jamba Juice smoothie sales will take place during afternoon recess on Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Remember to send $2 with your child to school!
Proceeds support Glenridge PTO programs, like field trip transportation and classroom support.

Opposite Day

The Glenridge student council is hosting Opposite Day Friday, January 29th.  Wear your clothes backwards or inside out, maybe frown instead of a smile, eat breakfast for lunch, have dessert first, and be sure to tell everyone goodbye when greeting them.

Box Tops and Labels for Education Contest

It's time to check your cabinets! Start sending in your Box Tops and Labels, the class that brings in the most between now and April 1st will get an extra recess! Second Place gets a special treat! Send them in today!
Download a submission sheet here or send them to school in a bag/envelope marked with both you student's name and their teacher's.

Donation Drive

It's time to spring clean! Make room in your closets, set aside items that you no longer need or want and April 23rd 9:00 am - 1:00 pm bring them to Value Village (24034 104th Avenue SE). They will pay the PTO for the items you drop off.  The class with the most participation (student families that drop off items) will receive a prize. All proceeds will go to PTO programs like field trip transportation and classroom supplies.


Flyers went home on Friday with new opportunities to help be sure to check it and return it to the school and let us know where you'd like to help.


Help with this years drama production! Come to the meeting TuesdayJanuary 26th at4:30 or contact the PTO to see how you can help.

Book Fair

Help set up and staff the book fair. There are many opportunities to help, set up is February 5th 1:00 - 3:00 and sales will run February 8th and 9th 9:00-7:30February 10th 9:00- 3:00 and February 11th 9:00 - 1:00. 
To help contact Sue Crissey in the Glenridge Library at 253-373-2488.

Staff Dinner

The PTO is planning our next staff  dinner for Monday, February 8th at 5:30. Everyone works so hard during conference week, this gives them one less thing to worry about.  If you would like to contribute we are looking for  side dishes (the main dish will be provided) with an Italian theme: antipasto salads, fruit, dessert, soups, breads etc.
Please let the PTO know if you will be bringing something. Items will need to be at the school on February 8th by 4:00 pm.
It's yearbook time! Have you been taking pictures of your kids and their friends at school events?  Send them to the PTO, we'd love to try 
and include them in this year's memories!

SIT Meeting

Join the School Improvement Team, Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 4:00 in the Glenridge library. Help establish plans for improvement and change, get involved in activities and events, Impact your child's education.

PTO Meeting

The next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, February 2, 2016  at 7:00 pm in the Glenridge library. Free childcare is provided. We welcome everybody, the PTO is for all parents and guardians. Can't attend the meeting? Still want to share your ideas? Please leave a note with the office or contact us by email.

Popcorn Friday

Friday, February 5th, popcorn will be sold during afternoon recess. Remember to send 50¢ to school. 

Glenridge Family Ice Skate Night

Friday, February 5th 6:30 - 8:30 at Sno-King Ice Arena  $8 per person, 50% of proceeds go to PTO programs.

Book Fair

Plan to stop in the library and see what's new during Parent Teacher Conference week, February 8th - 11th.

Plan ahead, see the Glenridge PTO calendar here.

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