Sunday, September 17, 2017

PTO Update 9-17-17

Parking Lot Safety

We want to keep everyone safe Please remember to:
  • Look for students and families walking to/from their cars to the building. Please drive slowly.
  • Always use crosswalks and watch for people in them.
  • Pick-up/drop-off students in the designated parent pick-up/drop-off lane located near the flagpole. Please pull completely forward and stay in the right-hand lane.
  • If you park your car (before or after school), please walk with your child to or from the building.
  • Please follow the flow of traffic. Cutting through the parking lot can put our families at risk as they may be walking to/from their cars.

Jamba Juice Tuesday

Jamba Juice smoothie sales will take place during afternoon recess:
September 26, 2017
Afternoon Recess

Exact change helps the line move faster and gives students more time to eat.  Proceeds support Glenridge PTO programs.

SIT Meeting

The first School Improvement Team meeting of the school year is:
September 19, 2017
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm
Glenridge Library
As part of a collaboration of staff and parents, you will help establish plans for improvement and change. Get involved and make an impact in your child's education.

PTO Meeting

The first Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting:
September 19, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Glenridge Library
Free childcare for school-age children
Please join us, the PTO is for all parents & guardians. 

Can't be there? Look for our live feed on Facebook.

Picture Day

School picture day for Glenridge Elementary is 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hellriegel's Foto 1 Portrait Studio will be taking individual portraits of all students. To purchase your student's picture please fill out the envelope packet that will be sent home with Friday Flyers on September 22nd and return it to school on the 26th. Please remember to pick a background color, if no choice is made the background will be blue. Each student needs an order envelope with payment, do not combine them. Please send the exact amount, the school does not have change.

Younger siblings are welcome to come in for photos on picture day as well, please call the school office to find out the best time. Hellriegel wants you to be happy with your picture and has scheduled a retake day for students who would like to try again and students who are not in attendance on Tuesday, November 2nd. Class and group pictures will be taken in March.

PTO Family Movie Night

Come see the PTO Family Movie! Friday, September 29th at 6:30pm.
A koala impresario stages a gala singing competition in order to save his theater, and the contest attracts the attention of such musically inclined animals as a harried pig mom, a teenage gorilla, a shy elephant and a punk porcupine.
This is a free event for students and their families. Concessions will be available for purchase; funds raised will support school programs. This is not a drop-off event, children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Spirit Wear

Order your $13 Voyager shirt!

Online purchases can be made here:
Spirit shirts are great for Voyager Pride Days, field trips and any day you want to show the world you are proud to be a Voyager!

Orders must be placed by September 29th!
All profits will go to support Glenridge PTO programs.
The PTO has immediate openings for:
  • Laminators ~ Once a week - Training provided
  • Art Docents ~ Monthly - Training provided
  • Book Fair ~ October and February - Organize - Work Shifts (morning, afternoon & evening) 
  • Fall Carnival ~ October 20th - Run a game, send in candy or baked goods 
  • Big Kahuna Fundraiser - Help distribute Prizes - Order Delivery - Reconciliation
Contact us for more information! 

Apply to Volunteer at Glenridge

Are you going to volunteer this year? If you want to help out in the classroom, on a field trip or around the school (even after hours), you need to apply online to be a part of Kent School District VIPS - Volunteers in Public Schools.
Once your application has been approved you will be able to assist in school learning, activities, and events at Glenridge. Be a part of a team that is successfully preparing all students for their futures.
If you are a returning volunteer make sure you update your information.
• September 19 @ 4:10 pm ~ SIT Meeting
• September 19 @ 7:00 pm ~ PTO Meeting
• September 20 @ 1:55 pm ~ Early Release Wednesday
• September 22 ~ PTO Fundraiser Begins
• September 26 ~ Student Picture Day
• September 26 ~ Jamba Juice Tuesday $2
• September 27 @ 1:55 pm ~ Early Release Wednesday
• September 29 @ 6:30 pm ~ PTO Family Movie Night - Sing
• October 4 @ 1:55 pm ~ Early Release Wednesday
• October 6 ~ Popcorn Friday 50¢
• October 10 ~ PTO Fundraiser Ends
• October 10 @ 4:10 pm ~ SIT Meeting
• October 11 @ 1:55 pm ~ Early Release Wednesday
• October 10 @ 7:00 pm ~ PTO Meeting
• October 13 ~ No School - Teacher Workshop
• October 17 ~ Jamba Juice Tuesday $2
• October 18 @ 1:55 pm ~ Early Release Wednesday
• October 20 @ 6:00 pm ~ PTO Fall Carnival
Glenridge PTO Calendar

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